Innovative programs for your interest
- Planning your academic journey
Daisy Le Corre

1. Explore other worlds
Languages are passports to meeting people and gaining an understanding of the world. You don't have to be a multi-lingual whizz, but a grasp of different languages can help you explore different cultures, roots and histories.

UdeM offers courses in Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, German, Modern Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Innu, Spanish and even Latin. For the more practical, taking English courses will come in handy for life. The Faculté de l'éducation permanente (FEP) offers academic and business courses, such as English for Legal Purposes and English for Management and Administration, to ease professional integration. It’s a formula unique to FEP, so why not make the most of it?
Major in Composition
The Music Faculty recently introduced a major in composition. “The proliferation of digital platforms has led to a renewed interest in composition," said the Dean of the Music Faculty. “New students want to compose for the screen, stage and video games. To meet these needs and prepare them for the job market, the faculty has integrated digital tools into all its courses. This offers today’s composers a coherent path.”
Minor in Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies
The Université de Montréal offers over 600 study programs and one of our newest is especially relevant today: A minor in Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies. This minor can be integrated into a Bachelor's degree in such diverse fields as sociology, political science and art history.

Bachelor's in Visual Culture
The BACCAP (baccalauréat par cumul avec appellation/ Bachelor's degree with appellation by accumulation certificates) is changing the game by allowing students to pursue a customized study program.
The BACCAP in Visual Culture, which combines film studies, art history and video games, has caused a stir since it was launched. And for good reason: "This BACCAP will integrate our three minors – film studies, art history and video game studies – into a unique perspective," stated the professional training manager.
Bachelor's in Religion, Spirituality and Intervention Practices
This Bachelor's degree (a combination of a major and a minor) educates specialists in religious and spiritual issues with the goal of applying them to specific intervention environments. This new à la carte Bachelor's degree makes many different combinations a distinct possibility. Which one will you choose?
2. Move on to graduate school
Graduate studies are an opportunity to specialize by taking short courses or multi-directional Master's/doctoral degrees.
D.E.S.S. in Interior Design
First, the Faculté d’aménagement (Faculty of Design) introduced the D.E.S.S. en design de jeux (D.E.S.S. in Game Design) and now it’s unveiling its latest program: The D.E.S.S. en design d’intérieur (D.E.S.S. in Interior Design.) The program, which should suit the most adventurous design enthusiasts, offers professional training in the design, development and layout of interior environments.
D.E.S.S. in Strategic Eco-design
The D.E.S.S. en écodesign stratégique (D.E.S.S. in Strategic Eco-design), a joint program of the Université de Montréal and Polytechnique Montréal, is a unique program in Canada that blends new environmental engineering disciplines into a multidisciplinary educational project. The program includes life cycle analysis, design thinking for sustainable business development, strategic foresight and managing creativity.

Graduate microprogram in Mobility, Transportation and Urban Planning
This microprogram, the collaboration of École d’urbanisme et d’architecture de paysage (School of Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture) and Polytechnique Montréal, is an educational complement for engineers and urban planners who want to specialize in organizing and managing urban transportation and mobility systems. Students in this multidisciplinary program will reflect on the role of different disciplines and work in its two fields of expertise: Civil engineering and urban planning.
Master's in City Regional Landscape Planning
The maîtrise en aménagement de recherche (Master's in Planning Research) option is a cross-disciplinary examination of contemporary issues in transforming cities, regions and landscapes, both locally and internationally. This multidisciplinary program supports and encourages the development of innovative practices and knowledge at the crossroads of urban planning, landscape architecture, regional development, and territorial planning and development.
Master’s of Communication, Journalism
The Department of Communication offers a Journalism option in its Master's in Communication program. UdeM is one of the only francophone universities in Canada to offer a research-oriented graduate program in journalism. The goal is to give students the analytical and critical thinking skills to help them understand the place, role and evolution of journalism in our societies.
Master's in Communication Science, Research-Creation
The Department of Communication offers a Research-Creation option in its Master's in Communication Science program. Once they’ve completed the program, students will write a thesis with written and creation-production components. This option’s objective is to give students the theoretical and practical tools to develop critical thinking skills, rigor and to master various means of expression.

Master's in Environmental and Sustainable Development
The maîtrise en environnement et développement durable (Master's in Environmental and Sustainable Development) is an educational program integrating natural, social and human sciences with four possible options: Environmental Biogeochemistry, Water Management, Biodiversity Management, Social Issues and Governance.
Master’s in Statistics, Biostatistics
Areas of development in biostatistics include Bayesian inference, survival data analysis, data analysis of clinical trials and epidemiological studies, spatial statistics, genetic statistics, longitudinal data analysis and megadata analysis. The Biostatistics option is offered in collaboration with École de santé publique (ESPUM) at the Université de Montréal.
Doctorate in Law, Innovation, Science, Technology and Law
The doctorale Innovation, science, technologie et droit (Doctorate in Innovation, Science, Technology and Law) develops students’ expertise in the law’s role in the promotion, governance and supervision of innovation, from a comparative law perspective with a view to the realities of emerging economies.
Have you taken an educational course abroad? Try a refresher or qualification program.
A professional refresher program in law at FEP
This FEP program is designed for law graduates from outside Quebec who need to perfect their knowledge as required by a professional order, such as the Barreau or the Chambre des notaires.
Daisy is a journalist and project manager with Admissions and Recruitment Services (SAR). Lover of words and of people’s lives, her head is always full of ideas! Full disclosure: she worships Catulle Mendès, the author that inspired her to study androgyny in 19th century decadence literature. Which is also why she is pursuing research in literature at UdeM…