
Law Faculty

Master's in Business Law in a Global Context

Graduate 2-327-1-3

August 2025
Start of session
Plan of study
45 credits
Directed study track
Program Type
Application deadline
from August 1, 2024 to May 1, 2025
Submit your application as soon as possible since space is limited
Offered at the Montréal campus

Bon à savoir! Ce programme s’adresse autant aux francophones qu’aux anglophones. Consultez la fiche descriptive en français pour en savoir plus.

This program is tailored to international students seeking to study international business law in English.


About this program

Study business law in English

Uniquely tailored to international students, this program offers advanced training in North American law, comparative law, and international law, while addressing the increasing complexity of law in a globalized world. All courses are offered in English only. Note that the program is not available in French.

You will develop :

  • In-depth knowledge of international business law from a comparative perspective
  • The ability to critically evaluate the effects of various legal traditions on international business law
  • Proficiency in the various aspects of corporate governance
  • The ability to identify creative solutions to complex problems involving a number of legal traditions and jurisdictions
  • Methodological skills to conduct quality legal research according to the practice’s required standard
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  • Program offered in English only
  • Preparation of directed study
  • Leading-edge research in various areas of the law
  • Culturally diverse environment
  • Superior leadership
  • Dynamic student association
  • Legal clinic and new legal advice division

Concentrate on your preferred field

Areas of concentration are offered based on your course selection.

This option provides training in business law and international economic law for students intending to be a lawyer with a globalized practice in their country of origin (or elsewhere).

With a focus on a North American and transnational perspective, this comprehensive training is intended for students enrolled in Master 2, specializing in business law at Université Catholique de Louvain.

Advantages of studying law at UdeM
Legal studies with a human perspective

  • Discover a vibrant academic and research environment that has had a major impact on the development of the law for over 100 years
  • Benefit from a comprehensive, varied legal education that paves the way to a law practice and careers where legal knowledge is a major asset
  • Benefit from the knowledge and expertise of a large faculty team at all academic levels
  • Belong to the largest of Faculty of Law in Quebec and Canada
  • Benefit from access to a comprehensive library and computer lab
  • Focus your priorities on challenges that will be faced by the future legal experts

Courses and specifics

For contact information on the program director or student file management technician, or to find out more about the faculty or department hosting the program, please see the page in French.

  • 45 credits
  • Full-time
  • Day course
  • Evening course
  • Directed study track
Take a look at some topics covered.
DRT 6450Western Legal Systems

This course explores several Western legal systems (British, Canadian, French and US): history, sources of law, legal methods, etc. It examines the problems that arise when lawyers trained in one system try to understand the concepts and practices of another system. It examines critically the justification offered for important differences between Civil Law and Common Law tradition, as well as between countries officially belonging to the same tradition.

DRT 6451Common Law Aspects of Commercial Transactions

This course focuses on commercial aspects of common law in British, Canadian and American law. Issues will include contract law and civil liability, products liability and economic torts.

DRT 6452Business Organization and Governance

This course examines the fundamental principles as well as the rules governing business organizations in the context of mergers and acquisitions. It also provides a thorough study of corporate governance in an international setting, with particular reference to the United States and Canada. Principal topics include: the concept of corporate governance; the role, duties and powers of directors, managers and shareholders; and the duties of good faith, care and diligence.

DRT 6453Secured Transactions and Bankruptcy

This subject covers the concepts of secured transactions and will focus principally on Anglo-American law and international conventions. It will examine the legal incidents of the mortgage, charge, pledge and lien and the legal consequences of this conceptual classification of transactions. It will also consider related topics such as set-off, flawed asset arrangements, retention of title clauses, security over intangible property, various forms of guarantees and letters of comfort, floating charges and fixed charges, priority disputes, etc. This course will also consider the bankruptcy procedure in Anglo-American law and in the international context. Furthermore, a section of the course is focused on taking security in intellectual property and on analyzing a cross-border secured transactions case study.

DRT 6454Intellectual and Industrial Property

This course deals with the global issues in intellectual and industrial property that are current and being debated in international fora such as the TRIPS Council of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The issues that are covered include copyright, the protection of famous trademarks, patents, intellectual property and competition law, the violation of trade secrets and protection of domain names.

DRT 6455Electronic Commerce Law

The main objective of this course is to explore legal issues raised by information technology, computing and networked environments. Topics include the legal sources of electronic commerce, electronic contracts, electronic publicity, privacy law, consumer law, intellectual property and dispute settlement.

DRT 6456Securities Regulation

This course examines in depth the regulatory system for securities. This course looks at the different structures and the international coordination to securities and market regulation The following topics will also be studied: the definition of securities and prescribed interests; offerings of securities including prospectuses and liability for misstatements and omissions; market manipulation and insider trading; the regulation of stock exchanges; the licensing of security dealers and investment advisers; and the legal relationship between brokers and their clients, etc. The course will also deal with derivative products and regulatory issues.

DRT 6457International Economic Relations

This course covers the law that governs international trade as embodied in the World Trade Organization Agreements (WTO). The basic rules and disciplines that underpin the multilateral trading system are examined in the light of the growing jurisprudence generated by the WTO dispute settlement mechanism. The regulation of dumping and subsidies is also addressed through the study of trade remedies. A segment of the course is devoted to regional economic integration and the cohabitation of this expanding phenomenon with the multilateral system, the emphasis being put on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

DRT 6463International Economic Crimes

This course will focus on issues relating to international economic crimes. It covers the following topics: the international procedural regime for enforcing national criminal law such as the extradition process and Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties, money laundering and proceeds of crime, corruption, tax evasion (customs, tariffs, excise taxes, tax), competition law, fraud and the Internet, etc.


Admission requirements

Admission requirements

You studied
and have, or will obtain, a diploma from the following program or province:
and have, or will obtain, a diploma from the following program or country:

Be sure to select your choices to display the eligibility conditions that apply to you.

Additional documents to provide
  • Official document showing English test results (TOEFL or IELTS)
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Letter of introduction (2-3 pages, double space)
  • Maximum or minimum schooling is three full-time sessions.
  • L'étudiant s'inscrit à temps plein.
Note that the quantitative criteria indicated above does not replace a qualitative review of your application. These criteria are provided for information purposes only. Eligibility for a study program does not guarantee an offer of admission. Information on this page may change without notice.
Find out about eligibility for this program

Do you have all the information required to start your admissions process?

Here are some tips and ideas to make navigating the admission process easier.

Costs and financial aid

$2,117.74 *

Total for a full-time session of 15 credits

Tuition fees: $1,483.65

Other fees: $634.09

These amounts are estimates and do not account for other expenses, such as costs for insurance, residence, transportation, manuals, etc.

Check your legal status

* These estimates cannot at any time subsitute for an invoice or be used as proof for any reason whatsoever. These calculations are based on the 2024-2025 academic year.
Information updated: June 5, 2024

$5,264.89 *

Total for a full-time session of 15 credits

Tuition fees: $4,630.80

Other fees: $634.09

These amounts are estimates and do not account for other expenses, such as costs for insurance, residence, transportation, manuals, etc.

Good news! You may be able to lower this amount!

Under certain conditions, Canadian students who are not residents of Quebec can follow university study programs offered in French while benefiting from the same tuition fees as residents of Quebec.

Check eligibility criteria

Check your legal status

* These estimates cannot at any time subsitute for an invoice or be used as proof for any reason whatsoever. These calculations are based on the 2024-2025 academic year.
Information updated: June 5, 2024

$11,527.24 *

Total for a full-time session of 15 credits

Tuition fees: $10,893.15

Other fees: $634.09

These amounts are estimates and do not account for other expenses, such as costs for insurance, residence, transportation, manuals, etc.

Good news! You may be able to lower this amount!

As an international student, you have access to exemption scholarships granted by UdeM throughout your university program. Note that for ungraduated programs, you must be enrolled as a full-time student for two sessions and reside in Quebec in the case of exclusively online study programs.

Find out about the UdeM exemption scholarship

* Note that this amount may vary depending on the selected track (with or without dissertation or directed study).

These estimates cannot at any time subsitute for an invoice or be used as proof for any reason whatsoever. These calculations are based on the 2024-2025 academic year.
Information updated: June 5, 2024

$2,117.74 *

Total for a full-time session of 15 credits

Tuition fees: $1,483.65

Other fees: $634.09

These amounts are estimates and do not account for other expenses, such as costs for insurance, residence, transportation, manuals, etc.

* These estimates cannot at any time subsitute for an invoice or be used as proof for any reason whatsoever. These calculations are based on the 2024-2025 academic year.
Information updated: June 5, 2024

Calculate tuition fees based on other situations

Available financial assistance

Plan your budget

Pursue your studies, but not at all costs! Various resources are available to help make it easier for you to study more and worry less.


Future prospects Pursuing a career or further studies? The choice is yours!

Consider rewarding careers by developing solid analysis and research skills.

Foreign Service Officer
Legal Advisor
Crown Attorney
Legislative Drafter

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