
Law Faculty

DESS in Canadian Law
Program structure

Consult the program description

Graduate 2-328-1-3

Course listing

Official title D.E.S.S. en droit canadien
Type Diplôme d'études supérieures spécialisées
Number 2-328-1-3

Version 00, A2024 

The DESS includes 30 credits.

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Segment 70

Segment 70 credits are as follows: 27 mandatory credits and 3 elective credits.

Block 70A

Mandatory - 27 credits
DRT 6200

Quebec's civil law system

Historical overview; 1866 codification; 1994 recodification; hybridity and bijuralism; fundamental concepts: persons and families, property, contractual and extracontractual obligations – selected issues.

3.0 Credits
DRT 6466

Legal research and drafting seminar

In this course, students will develop their research, methodology and drafting skills.

Day course 3 Credits

Block 70B

Electives - 3 credits
Student must choose 3 course credits with approval from the Dean or Dean’s representative. Course may be chosen from the graduate or undergraduate law programs or from the undergraduate language course list.