Studying at UdeM: How do you finance your studies?
- Planning your academic journey
Marie-Pier Carpentier

The UdeM exemption scholarship for international students
At Université de Montréal, most international students are eligible for an exemption scholarship for the differential tuition fees normally charged to international students. What’s more, there’s no form to complete: the application is automatically submitted when the offer of admission is received. In other words, if you respect the admissibility conditions, applying for admission automatically makes you eligible. The value of the award varies according to the program and the level of study.
To learn about the eligibility criteria and all terms and conditions, visit UdeM Exemption Scholarship for International Students.
Access the UdeM directory of over 5,000 scholarships
A directory of scholarships adapted to different student profiles at all levels of study. Scholarships for international students who wish to study in Canada are few and far between, highly competitive and usually available at the graduate level. Good news: that’s one reason why the UdeM exemption scholarship program was created.
In addition, there are several different types of scholarships: excellence, engagement, perseverance, to name but a few. Browse the Scholarship Directory to see over 5,000 sources of funding offered by the UdeM, as well as by businesses, foundations and various public and private organizations. Explore it and then visit often, since new awards are posted regularly. For details, don't hesitate to attend the Information Sessions offered by Student Services (SAÉ).
Receiving funding from international organizations
Many international organizations (the United Nations, Organization of American States, Agence universitaire de la Francophonie, World Bank, etc.) offer scholarships for international students. To find out if you’re eligible, contact your country's ministry of education, the Canadian Embassy or the nearest Québec delegation.
For more information, visit the Student services. For international scholarships, don't forget to also visit the UdeM international website.
Funding from the Mitacs Globalink Research Award
The Mitacs Globalink Research Award provides thousands of dollars for senior undergraduate and graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows to conduct 12- to 24-week research projects at universities overseas, including the Université de Montréal.
During these research projects, students are supervised by Canadian professors. This program allows top international students from Brazil, China, India, Mexico and other countries to experience Canadian universities, research facilities and training opportunities.
To learn about application deadlines and to receive the latest news about this program, subscribe to this newsletter.
Benefiting from an exemption from differential tuition fees
Students whose country of citizenship has signed an agreement with the Government of Québec may benefit from an exemption from the differential tuition fees normally required of international students. They could then pay the same tuition fees as Québec students or Canadian students who are not residents of Québec. To see the list of countries or international organizations that have signed an agreement on university-level student mobility, visit the Ministère de l'Éducation et de l'Enseignement supérieur website. To learn about all situations eligible for other types of exemptions, visit the Office of the Registrar's website.
Preparing your scholarship application
Before you get started, here is some useful reading to help prepare your application:
- See the Guide de préparation d’une demande de bourse developed by the staff at Études supérieures et postdoctorales and the Guide du candidat aux cycles supérieurs
- Read the article « Comment favoriser vos chances de décrocher une bourse? » from UdeMNouvelles
- Read the article « L’art de la demande de bourse » in the Thèsez-vous? blog
- Download the guide L’ABC d’une demande de bourse
Marie-Pier est conseillère au SAR depuis avril 2018. Polyvalente et débordante d’enthousiasme, elle est aussi la reine de l’organisation et des post-it. Avec elle, le hasard ne décide jamais. Après des études en infographie, elle a arpenté le métier de designer graphique pendant quelques années en tête-à-tête avec son écran. Avide de relations humaines, elle a poursuivi des études universitaires en langues et communication. Depuis, elle conjugue communication graphique et écrite au plus-que-parfait.